the tiring thing is how nobody can ever be original with their hair anymore. heck, in my job booklet it even stated "no obscene hair colours".
which kind of put an end to my dream of transforming into Tonks and her ever changing hair.
unfortunately, i actually need to keep my job (economic recession, dreams of travelling and all)
so instead of rebelling against the system and causing a riot i simply chose to dye my hair a "golden blonde".
on the packet it looked orange. i secretly wanted it to turn out that way.
so sabina (a ex blonde turned redhead turned washed out red turned "fuck i cannot afford to stay redhead" lass) and i donned the gloves, set up my bathroom, and accidently stained the washing machine in the process.
before, during
we (probably stupidly) bleached sabina's hair so she could just start again and be blonde again. all was going well until we noticed her roots were dry. not wanting to be the cause of a unanticipated premature baldness, she washed it out a little early.
what can i say?
"accidently cool"
she looks like a fucking sick 90s grunge girl.
mother dears reaction (bless)
mine, however, was most surprising. what was this "Golden Blonde" I was promised? it looks like orange and red had a big fucking rave on my head and this is its sick love child.
we had fun trying to look like boys. kurt cobain and james dean?
i am kurt cobain